Personal Info

Who I Am

Hi, I'm Ben. I'm originally from New York, my childhood roughly split in half between Queens and Long Island, though most of my formative years were spent in the latter. In August of 2006, I embarked on my first great adventure, attending Cornell University in the brand new Information Science program. Over the course of my four years there, I was blessed to be able to discover and delve into a variety of fascinating and generally interdisciplinary subjects such as human-computer interaction, computational sociology, and the legal and social implications of technology.

During my junior year, I had the opportunity to spend my spring semester at Oxford University, an experience that turned out to be one of the most influential of my young adulthood.  It was at Oxford that I discovered my love of traveling, of experiencing different cultures, and of living in interesting places. It was because of that experience that I decided to spend a year living in Africa doing technology work aimed at effecting positive social change.

My year working at as Technology Pioneer on Google's emerging markets team was incredible – I got to travel the world working on important projects with passionate, brilliant, fascinating people. During the course of my year at Google, I was also privileged to win a Gates Scholarship to study computer science at the University of Cambridge. Since then I've spent several months traveling, a year and a half serving as the mobile product lead for, and now spend my days as a product manager at Kickstarter, where we help bring creative projects to life.

